Thursday, October 04, 2007

Life Links 10/4/07

"Engine of growth?" I haven't heard that one before. That's a phrase New Jersey Star-Ledge columnist Kathleen O'Brien uses to describe the unborn in a recent column/blog post about the recent court case in New Jersey where a woman was suing an abortionist because he lied to her. Here's O'Brien's suggestion:
Instead of the dismissive comment "it's just some blood," he could've told her that while most of the matter he extracted would be blood, it was crucial that the baby/the embryo/the engine of growth be removed as well. Otherwise, she would still be pregnant.
Because "engine of growth" is a much more accurate and scientific term than "human being."

A man from Texas strangled his common-law wife after she falsely claimed to have had an abortion. He's being charged with capital murder because he killed both his wife and their unborn child.

Aastrom Biosciences has announced positive interim results of two studies using adult stem cells.
he first study reported positive results from the use of Aastrom Vascular Repair Cells (VRCs) in the treatment of chronic diabetic foot wounds associated with critical limb ischemia (CLI). In another presentation, positive results from the use of Aastrom Bone Repair Cells (BRCs) in the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head were presented.

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