Over the past three decades, men and women have consistently held similar views about the extent to which abortion should be legal. Typically, majorities of both sexes have said abortion should be "legal only under certain circumstances."I wish Gallup would take the time to actually find out what people mean when the reply to "only certain circumstances."
Lawmakers in the Kansas House failed to override Governor Mark Parkinson's veto of legislation which would have changed Kansas' late-term abortion law.
Kathleen Parker's latest column discusses ultrasound legislation.
We all know what abortion is and, thanks to some of the sign-toting anti-abortion protesters — who do their cause no good — we know what abortion looks like. Shouldn’t pregnant women also know what their healthy fetus looks like before they hit delete?
This is a question lacking in sinister intent. What is sinister is the proposition that ignorance is better — and the implied hope that women won’t choose to reconsider.