Friday, January 02, 2009

Life Links 1/2/09

Joseph Bottum has a piece in First Things entitled, "Abortion After Obama."

The Wall Street Journal Online has an article by Anne Hendershott in which she describes a 1964 meeting between the Kennedys and some liberal Catholic theologians.
At a meeting at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport, Mass., on a hot summer day in 1964, the Kennedy family and its advisers and allies were coached by leading theologians and Catholic college professors on how to accept and promote abortion with a "clear conscience."
Father Milhaven later recalled the Hyannisport meeting during a 1984 breakfast briefing of Catholics for a Free Choice: "The theologians worked for a day and a half among ourselves at a nearby hotel. In the evening we answered questions from the Kennedys and the Shrivers. Though the theologians disagreed on many a point, they all concurred on certain basics . . . and that was that a Catholic politician could in good conscience vote in favor of abortion."

World Magazine is featuring two articles on abortion by Martin Olasky. One on abortion's past and another on our present circumstances.

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