Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Is American Right to Life opposed to the Freedom of Choice Act?

From this press release, it doesn't seem so.

It almost sounds like they would welcome the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) because it would "reverse decades of legislation, regulations not built on the firm foundation of personhood, but misguided laws built on sand shifting in the political wind" and it would "reverse decades of misguided pro-life effort."

If you think prolife laws (like parental consent, informed consent, ultrasound legislation and partial-birth abortion ban) which limit (but don't eliminate) abortion are "misguided" then I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't have a problem with pro-choice legislation which eliminates these laws.

After taking a few cheap shots at National Right to Life and American United for Life's Clarke Forsythe, the press release ends by saying, "American RTL sees the FOCA fight as the opportunity for pro-lifers to unite in establishing personhood and the God-given right to life."

Does this mean they're going to fight against FOCA? I don't know. The press release makes more positive statements about FOCA than prolifers who disagree with American Right to Life's strategy.

Anyone who supports this group should take a look at this press release regarding legislation which would force taxpayers to fund abortions and eliminate every single prolife law and then think about whether the leaders of American Right to Life have their heads on straight.

You would think a prolife group would use a press release regarding the Freedom of Choice Act to educate its members and the public about the horrors of what FOCA would do and strongly voice their opposition to FOCA. Instead American Right to Life uses a press release about FOCA to make childish attacks on other prolifers and leaves me wondering if they're opposed to legislation on the wish list of every pro-choice organization.

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