Friday, July 27, 2012

Life Links 7/27/12

Here's a classic B-word slip in a Slate article discussing how the placenta works entitled, "Your fetus is an alien":
Erlebacher's not the only one studying this stuff. Kliman, the Yale researcher, also investigated human placentas, and his findings suggest an entirely different mechanism in play. Kliman suspects that a specific protein in pregnant women, called PP13, acts as a decoy of sorts to trick the mom's immune system to stay away from the baby.

Another day and another lame Obama attack on Mitt Romney position on abortion (they really couldn't find a better actor?). The most irritating thing to me is how the Obama campaign team seems to think that all women are scared about prolife laws.

A Michigan Senate committee has passed a bill to regulate abortion clinics in Michigan. Abortion clinic executive director Renee Chelian classed up the place by calling the committee chairman a liar.
"You, sir, are a liar," Chilean replied, audibly shocked by his response. "You (should) have picked up the phone and called me, instead of relying on some right-to-life flunky with an agenda."

The New York Times editorial board is dismayed the Arizona fetal-pain bill case may not be going their way.
Then he lectured her for what he suggested, wrongly, was a lack of compassion for the unborn. He said he had read the plaintiffs' affidavits and had found that they "reflect profound compassion and concern for their patients, the women, and presumably the fathers." However, he added, "I didn't find anywhere in those affidavits any expression of concern by the plaintiffs' positions for the unborn child — or even a hint of concern on their part.

"Given that silence on that part," the judge said, "and given the silence in your own presentation, doesn't that underscore the legitimacy of the state's regulatory action out of concern for the unborn child?"

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