Monday, October 17, 2005

Abortion on demand? How about every abortion for free?

That's what the abortion advocates in Canada want. In a press release from a coalition of pro-choice groups, abortion activist Joyce Arthur proclaims, "No woman should have to pay for an abortion, but every year, about 9,000 women pay out-of-pocket for their abortions, in violation of the Canada Health Act..."

That's same Joyce Arthur who won't debate the issue of abortion because "(t)he right to abortion is not debatable, because access to legal, safe abortion is a fundamental human right, one that is protected by law and supported by the majority of citizens. The provision of basic human rights is not open to debate" and thinks lamentations by Jeremiah, David, and Job prove the Bible is pro-choice and has a quality of life ethic.

Even though Joyce's arguments in favor of abortion are poor and usually just assertions with nothing behind them, her position for abortion is consistent. Unlike her Americans comrades, I couldn't find any instance of Arthur calling for abortion to be rare. She's in favor of legal abortion and tax dollars going to pay for abortion because to her abortion isn't a tragedy, it's a good thing. She thinks abortion is a "necessary medical procedure" and that "abortion often has positive benefits for women's lives and health."

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