Presidential candidate Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann recently discussed suffering a miscarriage when discussing her prolife views.
"So we made a commitment that no matter how many children were brought into our life, we'd receive them because we're committed to life," she said. "And we didn't know at that time we'd be foster parents, and that one day we'd be parents of 28 children, but we are extremely grateful for that opportunity because you can get money wrong, but you can't get life wrong. And I am committed to life."
Lila Rose has an editorial regarding her group's recent calls to Planned Parenthood clinics in Indiana.
Planned Parenthood claims that defunding their group in Indiana will "take away health care from thousands of women in Indiana, leaving them at greater risk for undetected cancers, untreated infections and unintended pregnancies."
But Planned Parenthood employees tell a different story. Today, on June 29, Live Action is releasing videos where our group's undercover investigators called 16 of the 28 Indiana Planned Parenthood clinics posing as women who use Medicaid to pay for medical bills. They asked questions about where to obtain care and voiced concerns that the medical facilities be close by and must accept Medicaid.
In direct contrast to what Planned Parenthood has claimed, every single one of its own employees were quick to refer women to an abundance of other facilities, admitting they easily could access care elsewhere at another facility where Medicaid was accepted.
The Aid for Women abortion clinic in Kansas City is also suing in an attempt to block new abortion clinics. They want to join the lawsuit filed on behalf of abortionist Herbert Hodes. Aid for Women was denied a license based on their application.
Pro-choice researchers are attempting to understand and discover ways to limit abortion stigma.
An Ohio couple has been indicted on kidnapping after allegedly taking a teenage girl, keeping her hostage, getting her pregnant and then taking her to Detroit for an abortion.