Friday, January 15, 2010

Life Links 1/15/10

I want to believe some pro-choice bloggers when they claim they think all reproductive choices are equal and they don't have a problem with women choosing to give birth, but then you get reactions like this and this to the cover of In Touch magazine featuring Sarah and Bristol Palin (along with their children) with the headline: "We're glad we choose life."

WORLD Magazine's most recent issue entitled "Pro-Baby" features a number of articles relating to prolife issues.

The New York Daily News has an article on former Congressman and possible Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr.'s changing abortion position.
"To say that I'm pro-life is just wrong," Ford said this week. "I am personally pro-choice and legislatively pro-choice."....

Ford repeatedly called himself "pro-life" during his failed bid for the Senate in 2006. "I'm pro-life, too," he declared in a debate that year, echoing his Republican opponent.

At the National Post, Lorne Gunter explains how the politicization of science has effected how people look at recent research showing women who had an abortion had an 40% increased risk of getting breast cancer.

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