Thursday, March 02, 2006


Joe Carter: "As the famed Texas Ranger Captain Bill McDonald once said, ‘No man in the wrong can stand up against a man in the right that keeps on coming.' We may not know when the horror of abortion will end but we know we're in the right. Whether it happens in our lifetime or after all that is expected of us is that we do our duty. It is guaranteed to end as long as we ‘keep on coming.'"

Steve Thomas: "What anyone who follows the public debate over abortion can see without too much trouble is that George adopts popular pro-choice rhetoric and applies it to the case at hand, to unleash a very serious criticism of the pro-choice movement. The first point is this: George assumes the humanity—and in George's view, the intrinsic value—of the victims of Paul Hill. With this in place, he launches into the tired sophistry of pro-abortion slogans: he is personally opposed, his opposition is religious in nature (and therefore private, subjective, worthy to be ignored, etc..), he must be tolerant (rather than imposing) of other views on the subject, he would be open to modest ways of reducing such activity, and so on. The whole point is to expose the fact that such arguments, if they can even be called arguments, massively ignore the humanity of the victim in question (again, in this case, the doctor and his security guard). They crash against it and are smashed to pieces like a frail ship against a reef in a stormy sea. And if they do so here, in the context of Hill's murderous actions, the same applies in the case of the unborn."

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