Thursday, February 21, 2008

Life Links 2/21/08

Joe Carter on Why Pro-Life Presidents Matter.

A court in Missouri has shot down Secretary of State Robin Carnahan's attempt to hurt an anti-cloning petition drive. Carnahan's summary of the ballot initiative was ruled to be "insufficient and unfair" HT: Wesley Smith

Jill at Feministe claims Bill Clinton is "right that anti-choicers have done nothing to decrease the abortion rate." I think we can have an argument about how a variety of factors (prolife legislation, contraceptives, education, greater openness to out-of-wedlock births, etc.) have each played a role in lowering the abortion rate but to claim "anti-choicers have done nothing" is just silly. In Michigan alone, the number of abortions decreased by more than 10,000 in 1989 after tax-funded abortions were banned at the end of 1988. I can't imagine Jill is stupid enough to actually believe that prolife legislation has "done nothing" to lower the abortion rate. Can you honestly think the abortion rate would be the same if the Hyde Amendment didn't exist?

According to Jill Stanek, abortionist Rapin Osathanondh has permanently resigned his medical license after the Boston Medical Board of Registration revoked his license after causing the death of Lauren Smith.

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