Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Pro-Choice Drum Begins to Beat

With the release of Harriet Miers' 1989 prolife questionnaire from Texans United for Life, pro-choice organizations have begun to speak out against the nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court of the United States. The standard line all these organizations seem to take is that if Ms. Miers doesn't support Roe v. Wade in her judiciary committee hearings then they will oppose her.

From the Feminist Majority Foundation: "With the O'Connor seat as the decisive vote on numerous 5-4 decisions, the public, especially women, deserves to know much more about Harriet Miers," said Eleanor Smeal. "This time, the Senate must not only ask tough questions, but if there are no answers, Senators must not confirm her for a lifetime appointment."

Planned Parenthood: "The questionnaire raises serious doubts about Miers' commitment to upholding constitutional protections for women's health and safety. The U.S. public has been given a confusing picture of Miers' position on vital issues — even the right of married couples to use contraception.

This nominee must be questioned closely about a record that seems to clearly oppose basic American freedoms."

NARAL: "Harriet Miers' inconsistency and evasiveness continue to generate confusion and concern. Miers must give direct answers on these critical questions as she pursues a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court"

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