Monday, October 03, 2005

Harriet Who?

That's what millions of people will be asking today after President Bush nominated Harriet Miers to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court.

Red State has some information up including that Miers has given money to both Democrat and Republican politicians and a link to Tim Carney who has information from an old AP article on how she along with the Texas bar fought to allow the full ABA membership to be allowed to vote on the ABA's position on abortion.

Here's a profile of Miers by the Washington Post.

Myopic Zeal links to various reactions from various blogs.

To a certain extent I believe Bush deserves a fair amount of trust from the prolife community and we shouldn't jump to criticize his pick just because she doesn't seem to have numerous prolife credentials. On the other hand, we shouldn't automatically take it for granted that Miers will be a vote against Roe or even a vote against Stenberg.

I guess I'll be waiting to see what someone like Hadley Arkes or Robert George has to say before making any kind of judgement.

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