Thursday, October 06, 2005

Buyer's Remorse?

I often read the interesting pro-choice blog of Patricia Beninato who runs the I'm Not Sorry web site. Even though Patricia has had at least one abortion, has connections with various individuals in the pro-choice community, and collects the stories of women who've had abortions, I'm often amazed at some of the things she says.

In a recent post Beninato tries to persuade us that no one is getting rich off of performing abortions. Her reasoning? Birth is more expensive than abortion, abortionists have a variety of costs, and your average ob/gyn lives well. How any of these factors prove that abortionists don't make a good deal of money is never explained.

Birth may cost much more than abortion but it also takes a much longer time on average. Anyone who runs a business has a variety of costs but I still know that the local movie theater is making a ton of money off me even though they have to pay someone to rip a ticket. Maybe your average ob/gyn makes more money than an abortionist but how does that prove the abortionist doesn't make good money.

After pointing out that an abortionist who performs 10 abortions a day at an average cost of $500 an abortion would make more than $1 million dollars a year (staff salaries and other costs would of course be subtracted) she writes to me in the comments section, "Jive, I can assure you that no clinic ONLY does abortions." She then refers to places where abortion was performed before Roe as "mills."

It seems especially odd that Mrs. Beninato wouldn't know that there are places that just perform abortions and other procedures related to abortion like pregnancy testing and ultrasound. One such place is the Heritage Clinic for Women in my hometown of Grand Rapids. They perform abortions - that's what they do. That's their business.

I'm wondering why Patricia doesn't want to believe that abortionists make good money. Is it because she doesn't want to believe that an abortionist made good money off her? Is it because she doesn't want to feel like she was an abortion consumer? That she was sold something and the people that sold it to her made money off her?

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