Three prolife student groups have been recognized at universities in Australia. For some oh-so-tolerant pro-choicers, this could be dangerous.
The National Union of Students opposes the group, and president Donherra Walmsley said she would be watching closely to see if the movement continued to expand. "Whether it will spread outside NSW is the next big question for us," Ms Walmsley said. "Students should be allowed freedom of expression, but our concern is, despite what they've said, these clubs do appear to be promoting an explicitly pro-life agenda.Imagine that, a prolife group promoting a prolife agenda. The horror!
Indian researchers are improving on their use of adult stem cells to treat type 2 diabetes.
Improvising upon its study in 2008, PGI which has tried 2 shots of stem cells has found that the rate of success increased from 70% to 80%. Out of 10 patients who were given the shots of .3 billion stem cells from their own body , 9 were off insulin completely.
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