Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama on Abortion at Saddleback

If I were an Obama supporter, I’d be embarrassed to be supporting a candidate for president who thinks (video here) answering a question about when human rights begin is “above (his) pay grade.”

I’d also be embarrassed to support a candidate who says he is pro-choice and supports Roe v. Wade because he doesn’t “think women make (abortion) decisions casually.” How on earth does the idea that women don’t make abortion decisions casually (something most prolifers accept) translate into a reason to be pro-choice and support Roe v. Wade?

I’d be embarrassed to support a candidate who knows so little about abortion, he thinks abortions haven’t decreased since President Bush took office.

I’d be embarrassed to support a candidate who thinks that recognizing the scientific reality that the life of an individual human being begins at conception is “a core issue of faith.”

I’d be embarrassed to support a candidate who claimed an organization was lying about his votes against giving basic rights to infants who survive abortions only to have his campaign admit two days later that the candidate did indeed vote against legislation he’s been saying for years he would have voted for.

I’d be embarrassed to support a candidate whose campaign’s newest excuses for voting against giving basic rights to infants who survive abortions is completely nonsensical and very different from his original excuses for why he didn’t support the legislation.

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