Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Life Links 5/20/08

JT at Between Two Worlds has posted a YouTube video of Barack Obama's speech at a Planned Parenthood event. He notes, "Every evangelical should watch the first 10 minutes or so of this speech by Barack Obama, delivered to Planned Parenthood in July 2007. It is an impassioned defense of partial-birth abortion."

The Washington Times has an editorial on Barack Obama's and John McCain's positions on abortion and claims that each man's rhetoric doesn't match his record.

Britain's Parliament has voted against a ban on creating cloned human/animal hybrid embryos.

Legislators in Massachusetts are using large portions of the $1 billion dollars the state planned to spend on life sciences (including embryonic stem cell research) for some pet projects earmarks.
The governor's initial proposal sought to empower a panel of industry specialists and academic leaders to decide how to spend $1 billion over 10 years in several targeted areas, much like a similar program in California. But lawmakers in the Senate and House decided how and where to dole out large portions of the $1 billion that would be spent in the bill, which could emerge from a conference committee as early as this week, earmarking hundreds of millions of dollars in funding for specific projects, even giving names to individual buildings and grants.....

In addition, legislators have designated $12.6 million for a highway interchange near Andover, and $12.9 million for a sewage treatment plant in Framingham, money designed, they said, to spur local development for life sciences companies.

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