Thursday, May 04, 2006

Life Links 5/4/06

Ramesh Ponnuru takes a "new" (there's nothing really new in it) report from the Alan Guttmacher Institute over his lap and provides a proper spanking. Ramesh doesn't mention it but according to the AGI, tax-funded abortions are a matter of "social justice." On page 5, the report notes, "As a matter of social justice, every woman in the United States should have equal access to abortion services, regardless of economic status; therefore, public funding of abortion for indigent women should be restored nationwide."

Via Scott Klusendorf, here are some pictures (warning: the display being destroyed included graphic photos of aborted children) of a pro-choice student named David Janus Zhang destroying a prolife display on the campus of Western Washington University. Here's also a story about the destruction.

Wesley Smith comments on Senator Dianne Feinstein's support of a bill to legalize assisted suicide.

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