My feelings of guilt and shame are overwhelming. I can't bear to face friends/co-workers/ family right now because I feel like a fraud. I feel that if they knew about the scheduled abortion, they would lose all respect for me.....
I don't for a second doubt my decision – I just don't know how to handle the feelings inside. I can't stop crying and I want to lash out and scream and vent. I know that won't solve the problem – I just don't know how else to cope. My conscience is killing me and I'm trying to reconcile the fact that there is a life growing inside of me and I'm making the decision to end it. Who am I to play God and will I ever be forgiven?? Do I even deserve forgiveness?? ......
He's not the one that has this life inside him, he's not the one that has to deal with the shame of lying on some cold medical table while a horrendous piece of equipment is shoved inside the most private part of his body in order to suck out a human life (sorry for the vulgarity).....
A while back we talked about the death penalty and he said he was opposed to it because he doesn't believe in a world that doesn't value life. Isn't this life?? This his own flesh and blood! How does he reconcile that in his mind?? I guess he just picks his values and beliefs by supporting those that have no direct or unpleasant impact on him. How very easy and convenient. .......
MB and I have none of those issues – there is absolutely no reason for us not to see this through other than we are two of the most selfish people on the planet. We are completely capable of providing a good life for this child but instead we care only about ourselves and how we would be inconvenienced. The realization that this is who I really am is making me sick ....
This woman admits there is a life inside her and she is making the decision to end that life for what she says are selfish reasons. She even wonders if she deserves forgiveness.
As prolifers I think we sometimes think we just need to prove to women that what is growing in their wombs is a life (therefore abortion takes that life) and then they'll decide against abortion.
But it doesn't always work that way. There are some women who know full well what's going on, don't think abortion is a positive thing and yet have one anyway. This woman's conscience isn't allowing her to go through with an abortion as if it were a just an everyday medical procedure. Her conscience is forcing her to examine herself and her reasoning and she doesn't like what she sees. Yet she still plans on having an abortion.
What can the prolife movement say to a pregnant woman who understands she's carrying a life, is against making an adoption plan, and has decided on abortion even though her conscience is fighting it and she doesn't like the reasons for her decision?
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