Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Oh no! They're going to take our pills!!

Pseudo-Adrienne of Alas, a Blog (a fairly popular pro-choice feminist blog that usually features the more rational writing of Ampersand) has added to the pro-choice movement's absurd scare tactic of linking the legality of abortion with the legality of birth control with this latest post/screech.

The basic idea is that if Roe v. Wade is overturned then Griswold v. Connecticut is not far behind. If Griswold (the Supreme Court ruling that overturned a Connecticut law that dealt with contraceptives and married couples) is overturned then bye-bye birth control, or so she says. Which state legislature or legislatures would pass a law banning contraceptives that would be signed by a governor in the year 2005 is never mentioned. Nor are any efforts made to identify the powerful interest groups or politicians who think birth control pills or condoms should be illegal.

It's almost like some people think that if the Supreme Court doesn't declare an act to be a constitutionally granted right then that act will suddenly no longer be legal.

Has the Supreme Court recognized a right to drive yet? My ability to cruise around town is going bye-bye. What about owning pets? Have they found that right in the Constitution recently? No? It seems my cats will soon be taken away.

And in case you're wondering why prolifers want to take away contraceptives, here's why according to Pseudo-Adrienne:

Women are just baby-assembly-lines to them after all...

......we're women and our rights only exist when they're convenient for the [mostly male] lawmakers. This is about women's privacy and restricting it as much as possible in order to make sure that they ‘fulfill their biological and sacrosanct duties as women‘, as the uber-conservative Christian Rightwing's ideology would have you to believe.

Today is the 11 month anniversary of my marriage to a beautiful, fun, intelligent, hard-working woman. But she has yet to spit out a baby or even get pregnant. What's her deal? She's failing miserably in her roll as a baby-assembly line. Since my wife is just a baby-assembly-line to me (and herself for that matter) maybe I should find a new woman who can churn some kids out (or fulfill her duties) at a faster pace. (note the sarcasm)

The absolute hate and ignorance pro-choice people like Pseudo-Adrienne view prolifers with is beyond my comprehension. It is almost as if she's never met a prolife person in her life.

Related: Scare Tactic? What Scare Tactic?

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