Monday, September 11, 2006

Life Links 9/11/06

Scott Klusendorf and Serge have both added to my meanderings about who prolifers should vote for in a less than obvious situation. Wynette Sills also suggests this piece by Father Frank Pavone. I should note that I voted for a pro-choice/semi-prolife candidate (David Bonior) who favored prolife legislation in the Democratic gubernatorial primary in 2002 (there wasn't much of a contest in the Republican primary) with the sole purpose of trying to make sure Michigan's current governor (Jennifer Granholm) never got the chance to be governor. However, I'm wondering if there is a difference between how prolife individuals should vote and how prolife organizations should respond when faced with the kind of dilemma mentioned in the previous post.

Over the weekend, the Washington Post had what I consider one of the fairer articles on pregnancy care centers that I've seen in recent years. It shows how visual images can make a huge difference.
The Smiths stayed. After they saw a picture of the fetus at 21 weeks with arms and legs and a face, their thoughts of termination were gone.

"As soon as I seen that, I was ready. It wasn't no joke. It was real," Makiba Smith, 16, said. "It was like, he's not born to the world yet, but he is inside of me growing."

Dawn Eden recalls how Planned Parenthood of New York "helped" after 9/11.

ACT and their $13 million dollar press release .

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