Monday, September 23, 2013

Man sentenced to six years for forcible aborting his child

A man in the UK has been sentenced to six years in jail after forcing abortion pills into his mistress.  The child was born alive. 

Ahmed Raofi, 29, became enraged when lover Irene Santos refused to terminate their unborn child, so he hatched a plan to kill the foetus without her consent.

After hours of internet research, Raofi bought packets Misoprostol online and invited Ms Santos to his flat in Edgware, northwest London, on April 9, with the promise of sex, Blackfriars Crown Court heard. 

He then pounced when Ms Santos was on the bed, taping her hands, feet, and mouth when she began to scream out for help. 

Within a few hours, Ms Santon - a Filipino national working in Britain - began getting crippling cramps.

She miscarried the 19-week-old foetus, which was still breathing and showed signs of life, paramedics told the court.

The baby survived for ten minutes outside the womb.

Gosnell saw himself as "a solidier in the war on poverty"

Abortionist and convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell has done an interview with Steve Volk which will be in Philadelphia Magazine tomorrow.  In the interview, Gosnell says he committed hundreds of illegal abortions as "a soldier in a war against poverty."       
Volk, who covered Gosnell's trial and has been speaking and corresponding with him since he entered prison, said that the convicted killer sees abortion as sinful on some level, but a lesser sin than a child being born into a life of poverty.

"It's not as if he feels guilty about what he did. He sees the world is a dark place. He sees himself as having performed a noble function in society. For him, in a perfect, idealized world, it wouldn't be necessary," Volk said.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

WaPo claims "no evidence" of problem clinics after choosing to ignore evidence from last year's inspections

The Washington Post has an editorial in which they ludicrously claim that if Ken Cuccinelli is elected governor then “most of the remaining 18 (abortion) clinics are likely to shut their doors within months.”

Their evidence for this assertion is nowhere to be found and how Cuccinelli would go about this is left up to the reader’s imagination.         

Being in favor regulations which closed a couple of clinics (at the time abortion advocates claimed the regulations would close nearly all the clinics) apparently means Cuccinelli will be able to close more than half of the remaining clinics since they claim they won't be able to meet Virginia's standards. 
There is no evidence that women are at risk in Virginia’s abortion clinics, nor is there evidence of serious or widespread unsanitary conditions that endanger women’s health. The state’s clinics are pawns in the clash over abortion rights.
Except for the fact that when Virginia finally did inspect the clinics a year ago, inspectors found widespread deficiencies to the tune of 80 deficiencies in 9 clinics.   Seven clinics had “no clear division between clean and dirty utility areas” and four clinic had out-of-date drugs in stock.  Some did no background checks. 

And these were found after announced inspections. 

I couldn't find the Post coverage of the report of the inspected clinics except for this mention from an article about a Board of Health vote. 

“We are pleased that the Board wasn’t fooled by the abortion industry’s distractions from the real issue of abortion centers in Virginia found with bloody patient tables, unsanitized conditions and untrained staffs,” Cobb said in the statement, referring to clinic inspection reports she had publicized in the days leading up to the meeting.